Thursday, June 12, 2014

Week 10 Toughts

Hi everyone!

Wow! Week 10 is already finishing! The last is a pity this course will soon to me.

During the course I learned and experienced that it is not the technology itself that promotes learning, but the interaction among people. That to promote this interaction and transform it into collaboration is made easier by the technologies but nothing substitutes the ability of a good teacher to incentivate and monitor the use of them. That all technology tools (even Power Point) can be used in order to make students active, interact and learn. That implementing the use of technology in class is a slow process, which involves changing people's minds and our minds. That the choice for the use of technologies in class is political too, and that all over the world teachers face difficulties to implement technologies to their classes.

The course was really well organized and, by now, I can not imagine how it could be different. For me it was very important to realize the power of interaction technology brings itself. Everybody has a voice. Everybody finds and answer. Also, considering specifically language learning, I learned a lot about and could find a way to start using online resources in order to improve speaking. And ANVILL is awesome! For sure I will implement the use of it.

Hope I can keep interacting with the teachers who participated of the course...How about organizing a discussion group online or something like that? Good start, uh?

Best wishes,


1 comment:

  1. Hello Ju,

    Congratulations on completing the course and on doing such a great job with it. I'm go glad that you like ANVILL and will be using it in the future. I've enjoyed working with you this term and wish you the very, very best.

